UPMS Clubs

Homework Help

By: Naiomi L. Ramos

Have you ever wanted to join a school club? Well, today I’m going to be telling you about one of Union Park Middle Schools clubs at the YMCA , Homework help. Homework help is a club that helps students with their homework and I had the opportunity to interview one of their members, Diasani Rivera. 

He goes to homework help every Tuesday and Thursday for Geometry homework help with Ms. Rodriguez. Diasani decided to join homework help because he needed a better understanding of the subject he was learning. He says that the best part of going to homework help is getting the understanding he needs at his own pace.  He has been attending homework help for Geometry since it first started. He found out about homework help from Ms. Rodriguez because she told all of her students that she would be at the YMCA afterschool Tuesdays and Thursdays to help with homework for her classes.  Homework help for Geometry meets up in Ms. Rodriguez’s room.  

That’s all for my interview with Diasani Rivera. If you would like to be interviewed by me please send me an email at 4804139267@students.ocps.net

Pokemon Club


 Pokemon Club in Union Park Middle School that meets on Wednesday after school.

Pokemon is a game with cards where you trade with other people and defeat other people for things you want. There is a club where you can do that you can participate in. The adviser of the Pokemon is Mr. Lucero, he is an algebra teacher. Lots of students participate.

Christian is a Pokemon player and a member of the Pokemon club has about 40 cards. His favorite pokemon card is the air one. His likes are eating Chick-fil-a, playing Pokemon with his friends and his favorite color is blue. He likes his eggs scrambled, he likes dogs even though he has none. He wants to keep playing Pokemon for high school, he also likes Pokemon Go at home with a friend.

If you have an interest in joining the Pokemon Club then talk to Mr. Lucero about joining in, his class number 3-118.

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