Econs Of The Month

Amanda Velez

By: Audrey Hale

Did you know that there are students of the month at Union Park? Well I’m here to interview Amanda Velez, one person who can be student of the month!

  Amanda said she was happy about being nominated and it felt very good that she was selected. You may ask, why was Amanda Velez nominated? Well she believes that she was chosen because she’s assertive, helpful, and kind. If you wanted to become a nominee for student of the month Amanda has some advice for you! “ I would tell them that you have to believe in yourself. You have to encourage yourself to work harder and remember to be kind.” said the one and only Amanda Velez. If Amanda was selected to be student of the month she would encourage others and be helpful to everyone, but she said there’s a possibility that she would try to become student of the month again. 

  So with the interview done you now know what the 8th grade student of the month nominee Amanda Velez’s thoughts about the topic of student of the month. If you know Amanda Velez tell her good luck! 

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