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 Most Popular Fast Food Places 

By: Audrey Hale 


Fast Food is an easy way to get cheap food whenever you’re hungry and they have become quite popular, but what are middle schoolers favorite fast food places? I interviewed 12 middle schoolers and asked which fast food place they liked the best, McDonalds, Burger King, or Wendy’s. Here is what I got. 

 Let’s start with McDonalds. McDonalds is a cheap and iconic fast food place that has enjoyable food and is almost everywhere. McDonalds is apart of everyone’s childhood so it’s no surprise that 7/12 students said that McDonalds was their favorite fast food place. 

Now let’s go to Wendy’s. Wendy’s is another iconic and popular fast food place but sadly only 5/12 students said that it was their favorite. 

 Finally we have Burger King, like the rest of these restaurants Burger King is well known and has their fair share of popular food items but nobody said that they liked Burger King more than McDonalds or Wendy’s. 

 So with that out of the way you now know middle schooler most popular fast food restaurants choices. I hoped you enjoyed my article, if you would like to be interviewed please contact me at


  By: Jamal L. James 

Burgers have a very unique taste to them. They taste juicy because of the leftover grease on the meat. The cheese melting on the meat adds to the favor of the burger.  Bacon is a topping on burgers it adds crispness to the burger. Fries are a popular side dish for a burger.

Burgers have been around ever since the early 1900. They were invented by a man called Louis Lassen,  Darish immigrant , and the owner of Louis Lunch. Burgers have many different variants such as veggie burgers. Burgers are around the world.   My favorite burger places are Checker’s , In&Out, and Fuddruckers.

Fast Food vs. Healthy Food

By Yani Lopez

    Fast food may be convenient, but healthy food is better for maintaining your weight while getting the right amount of essential nutrients in your diet. Some foods can be harmful, and some can be beneficial. I’m going to compare fast food to healthy food and share some facts about both.

     Fast food is high in fat which can increase the risk for obesity. Fast food contains plenty of sugar and can cause health problems. It may be cheaper and save you time, but it has a huge disadvantage. With time, it will impact your health in a bad way because of all the unwanted nutrients and additives that it contains.

    On the other hand, healthy food is the complete opposite. It has many benefits. Healthy food gives you energy. It supplies all the proper nutrients that are needed in your body. Healthy food is good for your mind, body, and brain function. It might be a little more expensive and take more time to prepare, but it is the way to live a healthier lifestyle.

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